In early 2018, I had a spontaneous kundalini awakening which in every way changed my life. It was initiated after I began prolonged daily meditation. I wasn’t seeking this occurrence, nor had ever heard about it. I was seeking some peace of mind and took the plunge to try something different in a very distressing time in my life. I was at my limits and felt I didn’t have any life left inside. Beyond anything I could fathom, within the next few weeks, there was a shift in my meditation experience–a much deeper experience in consciousness–that hatched my spiritual awareness; and, since then, spurs its evolution. This discovery of pure consciousness was mind-blowing to say the least. There is no turning back, even if I should want to. I have humbly embraced my journey to heal and faithfully believe in the healing power of daily meditation. 

Meditation has been proven to alleviate stress and promote mental well-being. There are many different ways to meditate and many different mindfulness exercises, from breathing, to sensation, to walking meditations, to just sitting and doing your own thing. It’s good to dedicate some time to a particular practice and see what works best for you! Personally, it has helped me with anxiety/depression, sinus allergies and infections, I haven’t been sick since I’ve started meditating, and the daily practice benefits me with feeling calm, giving me clarity and feeling grounded.

Since this all began, I have initiated a path of exploration, from traveling to the breathtaking Azores on a 10 day one-on-one retreat where I worked with gifted coach/spiritual teacher Christina Lopes, to taking a week long intensive course on Transcendental Meditation with generously compassionate teacher Christine Loyacano. I then pursued and received my Usui Master Certification in Reiki with nurturing Reiki Master Teacher/Inspirational Coach Melissa Crowhurst. Further study focused on the 7 chakras, Reiki distance healing, animal Reiki and animal communication.

Just recently in December 2021, I received my certification from The Path's world-renowned accredited meditation teacher training program, focusing on Buddhist wisdom and learning different meditation techniques led by amazing and passionate Dina Kaplan. This course was extremely transformative, engaging and empowering on so many levels beyond words and my pod mates, the assistant teachers and administration were all so inspiring, down-to-earth and supportive!

I continue to advance on my path to self-healing and enjoy guiding meditation and healing sessions with those on their own unique path. And this is only the beginning of my commitment to exciting healing work and ongoing learning.

I'm also an artist, designer, poet and mother of two beautiful children and am very passionate about animals.

Please check out the Resources page for more information on the teachers mentioned above.